Golden Funeral Home

Based on good faith and adhering to our corporate philosophy of ‘Affordable Respectful Funeral Care, putting the deceased First’, the Golden Funeral Group have vigorously moved into Metro Vancouver.Our goal is to become the premiere funeral enterprise, providing the finest professional services, with the widest variety of options, accompanied by the most transparent of service fees. The Golden Funeral is committed to supporting our local community, including low-to middle-income groups, in order to break the long-standing high ‘monopoly-like’ prices of Vancouver’s funeral profession. We have now launched our “People’s Benefit” package, some of which are 50% lower priced than our other local competitors. But with Golden Funeral, low price doesn’t mean low quality, we sincerely and strictly take great care in serving every family for every arrangement, which will be allowing the deceased to be able to walk in dignity to their next journey, using our professional team to provide the most considerate, comforting and memorable service options to the family. Golden Funeral works with churches, monasteries, and Taoist temples in the Metro Vancouver area to provide the deceased with a variety of religious options and ceremonies, simple to high-end flower options, and simple to top funeral options and equipment. Golden Funeral Group will plan everything for you, complete with their one-stop, comprehensive funeral, cremation and/or burial solutions for everything you need.

# - CEO Corpress

Call to ask any question : 1-778-981-1444

Bringing the Pre-need plan/funeral trust fund purchased elsewhere to our funeral home ensures you retain all your previous service benefits and receive even more extensive services. With our lower service fees, there will be a surplus amount in your pre-need plan, which we will refund to you in cash. Additionally, we offer extra rebate incentives to ensure your purchase is more valuable.


Ms. Zhou

For my own reasons, I couldn't handle the matters related to the death of my lov···

Mr. Yang

Not long ago, my son, who was in his prime, died of a sudden illness. We've lost···

Mr. Wang

I'm very pleased with the thoughtful service provided by the Gold Funeral, and t···